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CNA Job Interview Tips

Posted on February, 01, 2012 by admin

For the best employment opportunities, be prepared and plan ahead.


“This is a mock job interview to get them ready for entry level jobs.

Hopefully, when they apply for their dream jobs,

they will be more prepared.” ~Kathy Garibay


It is absolutely normal to be anxious and stressing about job interviews. However, if you take the time to prepare, practice and plan, prior to showing up for the interview, the interview process will go smooth and easy. Here are some tips and suggestions:


Start off right. Staffing agencies typically give a resume 30 seconds to decide whether to interview or place the candidate. It is also important to note that your appearance is crucial to a successful interview. Have you heard the old adage, “first impressions are the most lasting?” When you appear for an interview, dress conservatively and well groomed.


Ask colleagues. Acquire tips and suggestions from your colleagues regarding their interview experience. Ask them to participate in mock (practice) interviews with you. This will help you prepare for anticipated questions the interviewer may ask. Here are some topics most always asked during a job interview:


Questions about you.

Questions regarding your work history.

Questions about the subject company.

Questions regarding your future plans.

Behavior-based questions.


Do research. Take the time to research your potential employer and make a list of relevant questions to ask them. It gives the impression you are interested and serious about becoming an employee of their company. At some point, the interviewer may offer you time to ask him/her questions. Below are some questions you may want to ask the interviewer.


How long have some of your best CNAs been employed with your company?

Are there opportunities for advancement within your company for CNAs?

Why do you work for this company?

Can you explain your company’s philosophy and policies?


You can find the “perfect” job with proper planning and thorough preparation!

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